FMH Donates AED to the Fairfield Girls Softball Association
In its ongoing efforts to better improve the lives of those we serve, Fairfield Memorial Hospital recently donated an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to the Fairfield Girls Softball Association to be installed at the softball field concession stand in Fairfield to help better ensure the health and safety of the many children and adults who make use of these parks throughout the year.
This AED will help provide emergency care to the Fairfield Girls Softball Association summer leagues and to the Fairfield school system and Frontier Community College for softball during the school year until medical personnel are able to arrive. Having an AED on site, as well as, trained individuals who can use the device helps increase a person’s chance of survival in the event of a medical emergency.
Kory Blank, MD, is pictured donating the AED on behalf of Fairfield Memorial Hospital. Dr. Blank will be returning to his hometown area to join the staff of Fairfield Memorial Hospital in the Fall of 2021 upon completion of his orthopedic residency. Dr. Blank commented “I look forward to working with the local communities and schools. I am excited to be able to work with student athletes to give back to these programs that I was once a part of.”
“As a leader in healthcare, Fairfield Memorial Hospital is proud to be able to help provide education and tools needed for local communities to be better prepared for emergency situations. In a cardiac situation, each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chances of survival are reduced by approximately 10%. We are committed to ensuring that everyone has the tools and knowledge they need to help out others in need.” commented FMH CEO, Katherine Bunting-Williams, Ph.D.
Pictured from left to right is Kory Blank, MD, Future FMH Orthopedic Surgeon; and Jeremy Ellis of the Fairfield Girls Softball Association.