Calling all ghouls and gals, princesses and super heroes, FMH is hosting a Trick or Trot 5K Family Fun Event on Saturday, October 16th at 8:00 am! Run, walk, or enjoy our many other activities. Registration forms and route maps are located at the FMH and Medical Arts Complex entrances.
We will also be having a Free Fun Run for children ages 0-8 after the 5K is complete. We encourage all to dress up in their costumes! Prizes will be given to Best Group, Best Handmade, Best Couple, Best Overall Adult Costume, Best Overall Kid Costume. We will also be accepting registrations that morning at the Fairfield Memorial Hospital Medical Arts Complex Entrance!
5K Participants: Race will be Chip Timed
5K Late Registration/Shirt pick up: 7:00-7:45am
Start Time: 5K Run/Walk 8:00am
Fun Run: (0-8yrs) After 5k estimated 9am
There is a $20.00 entry fee for the 5K. Children ages 0-8 FREE.
Chris Cakes from Saint Louis, MO will also be in attendance at the 5K Trick or Trot putting on an all you can eat pancake, sausage and tang breakfast. Chris Cakes will be set-up from 8a.m.-10a.m. in the FMH Medical Arts Complex Education Room. The cost is $6 per person. Tickets can be purchased in advance from any member of the FMH Foundation Board, FMH Foundation Office, or FMH Administration. Tickets will also be available for sale at the event.
To sign up for the race, kids fun run, or for more information, please contact FMH Marketing Director Shauna Williams at (618) 847-8242. We cannot wait for this spooktacular event!