Diabetes Education
What is Diabetes Education?
Diabetes Education can provide you and your family with increased knowledge about diabetes, help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and teach self-management skills.
Will I need a referral?
Yes, a physician's referral is necessary to participate in the Diabetes Outpatient Education Program; however, anyone can contact Stephen Welty, RN, CDE, at 618-842-4617, ext. 4812, to get the referral process started.
How is education offered?
- Individual educational sessions
- Group classes
- Diabetic support groups
- Diabetic health fairs
- Diabetes Education is offered at Horizon Healthcare on Thursdays
Who will teach me?
- Stephen Welty, RN, Certified Diabetes Educator, Primary Educator
- Whitney Buckles, RD, LDN
What will I learn about?
- Creating a personalized approach focusing on your individual needs for healthier living
- The different types of diabetes
- Meal planning/nutrition
- The importance of physical activity and exercise
- Self-monitoring of blood glucose
- Medications (oral and insulin) associated with the treatment of diabetes
- Acute and long term complications of the disease
- Sick day management
- Community resources, and much, much more
What are some symptoms of Diabetes?
- Frequent or increased urination especially at night
- Frequent or increased thirst or dry mouth
- Weight loss or weight gain
- Changes in behavior, such as being irritable
- Increased fatigue or tiredness, being sleepy through the day
- Blurred vision
- Skin sores that heal slowly
Who can have Type 2 Diabetes?
Anyone, regardless of age, can have type 2 (or adult) diabetes. Risk factors include being overweight, family history of diabetes, other chronic health problems, lack of physical activity, and a history of gestational diabetes. Diagnosing points for type 2 diabetes is an A1C of 6.5 or higher, a fasting blood sugar of 126 or higher, or a random blood sugar of over 200. Type 2 diabetes is controlled with healthy meals and exercise, oral meds, and/or injectable medications.
What about Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes?
This is an autoimmune disease that happens for an unknown, unavoidable reason and completely stops the bodies ability to produce insulin. Often diagnosed at a young age, but can be diagnosed into adulthood. The onset is often quick, rapid weight loss, great increase in thirst and urination will happen sometimes in just a few days or weeks. While healthy meals are important for all of us, insulin injections are always required multiple times daily with Type 1 diabetes for life.
Horizon Healthcare
618-842-4617 ext. 4812
Office hours: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday
To download the Diabetes Self-Management Program Session Materials, click here
Living Well with Diabetes Guide, click here
Diabetes Support Group Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday each month at 4 p.m. in the Fairfield Memorial Hospital Medical Arts Complex Community Education Room.