Bell, PA-C

Kayla Bell, PA-C

Kayla Bell, PA-C, is a physician assistant who sees patients of all ages. Even though her practice is not limited to a particular group, she enjoys pediatrics and women’s health. She graduated from the Physician Assistant Program at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in 2004 with Cum Laude honors. In addition to graduating with honors from SIUC, she received the Outstanding Transfer Student Award, was on the Dean’s list, and was awarded the Highest GPA Award for the entering Physician Assistant program.

PA Bell joined Horizon Healthcare with years of clinical practice with experience in pediatrics, orthopedic, and emergency departments. Her previous positions included working in pediatric and orthopedic departments for Alton Multispecialists, along with emergency medicine experience while working for Midwest Emergency Department Services and Emergency Consultants, Inc. who provide services to Anderson Hospital, Maryville, IL; St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Belleville, IL; and Salem Township Hospital Salem, IL.


Grayville Native
Kayla Bell, PA-C, grew up in Grayville, IL, and is very familiar with the surrounding community and Fairfield Memorial Hospital. PA Bell resides in Albion with her husband, Joshua Bell, and children Rozen and Holland.

PA Bell said, “Fairfield Memorial Hospital has a great reputation in the community. I agree with FMH’s Vision Statement: ‘Excellence in community healthcare, respect for every individual, delivery of quality care, and committed to the pursuit of excellence.’ I think this makes for a great work environment, and I’m excited to be a part of this caring and progressing hospital.”

“As a student, I had always enjoyed learning about the human body, and now I am putting that knowledge into action by helping patients understand how their bodies work and how to improve their health. I have worked in Pediatrics and Emergency medicine, so my previous experience coupled with my familiarity of the community will make for a good addition to the caring, compassionate, and experienced clinicians already at FMH,” stated PA Bell.

Horizon Healthcare
213 N.W. 10th St., Suite A
Fairfield, IL  62837