FMH Foundation
The Fairfield Memorial Hospital (FMH) Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1985. Since the inception of the FHM Foundation, thousands of dollars have been received to provide a base of financial stability for Fairfield Memorial Hospital. For example during the $4.1 million expansion project in 1998, the FMH Foundation raised over $1 million to help with the renovation costs.
Your Annual Contribution Provides You:
- State-of-the-Art Healthcare Close to Home
- Healthcare Accessibility in the Future
- Pride in Helping Your Community
Types of Contributions
- Cash
- Bequests (In Your Will)
- Charitable Trusts
- Gift Annuities
- Life Estate Arrangements
- Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds
- Real Estate
- Life Insurance Policies
- Gifts-in-Kind
- Gifts of Love (Honors or Memorials)
- Gifts of Grain
All contributions made to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Your Involvement & Support Will Provide:
- Facility improvement & expansion
- Recruitment & retention of highly skilled staff & physicians
- Equipment & technology upgrades
- Special projects & programs
Stepping forward today will enable your FMH Foundation to support the hospital as it continues to provide excellent healthcare.
FMH Foundation Board of Directors
Susan Suddarth
Chris Conard
Michelle Garner
Shelby Greenwalt
Matt Hefley
Tim Sullivan
Dana Wilson
Matt Rush
Libby Lingafelter
Marty Vaughan
Morgan Doggett
Doug Skaggs
Hank Simmers